Alumni Association Awards
Each year, the Alumni Association recognizes the outstanding service and accomplishments of its members. We will recognize our 2023 award winners on Saturday, April 13, 2024 at a special award celebration open to the alumni and friends. We are currently accepting nominations for the 2023 Alumni Awards Celebration. Nominations are due by September 1.
Samuel Orr Honorary Alumnus/a Award
The University of Evansville Alumni Association created the Samuel Orr Honorary Alumnus Award to recognize non-alumni for their service and commitment to UE. This award, established in 1971, was renamed in 1997 in honor of Dr. Samuel Orr who served the University as a trustee for 59 years. It is the highest honor the Alumni Association can bestow upon a non-alumnus.
The Distinguished Alumnus/a Award
Recognizes an individual (or couple) for distinction in their profession and service to their community and UE. It is the highest honor the University of Evansville Alumni Association can bestow.
The Young Alumnus/a Award
Presented to a recent graduate each year in recognition of his or her personal and professional achievements and service. This award, established in 1997 by the Alumni Association Board of Directors, was created to recognize personal and professional achievements of alumni early in their careers.
Edie Bates Volunteer Service Award
In 1998, The University of Evansville Alumni Association Board of Directors established the Edie Bates Volunteer Service Award. The award recognized Edie Bates exceptional volunteerism within the University alumni community. This award is given each year to volunteers who show the same selfless dedication that Edie Bates displayed through her service to others and to the University.
2024 Young Alumnus Award Winner
Bryce Weiler ’14
A lifelong lover of athletics, Bryce has found a way to combine his passions for athletics and disability awareness and inclusion. After moving from Claremont, Illinois to Evansville, Indiana to pursue his Bachelor of Science in Sport Management and Sports Communications, Bryce began changing the landscape for those with disabilities in the field of broadcasting. During his undergraduate career at the University of Evansville, Bryce began by broadcasting women’s basketball games and later went on to broadcast for soccer, baseball, softball, and men’s basketball. Bryce remained an active student on campus, hosting shows on WUEV and playing an active role in AWARE, History Club, National Society of Collegiate Scholars, National Society of Leadership & Success, Society of History Scholars, and Sports Management Club.
After graduating from the University of Evansville, Bryce continued his education at Western Illinois University where he earned his Master of Science in Sport Management. There he continued to commentate on basketball games. This is where Bryce’s to passions truly merged. Bryce’s advocacy work has lead him to consulting with teams across the nation on disability awareness and inclusion, including the Baltimore Orioles.
Bryce is the co-founder of the Beautiful Lives Project, a non-profit organization focused on reducing the isolation many members of the disabled community feel by creating unique events that break down barriers and create opportunities for those with disabilities. Bryce’s work with Field and Court of Dreams brings individuals with disabilities together with athletic teams to participate in the sport. He continues to travel the nation sharing his story, inspiring others to overcome obstacles and challenges in his life, and break down barriers for those with disabilities.
2024 Edie Bates Volunteer Service Award Winners
Evansville Promise Neighborhood Core Team
Last year, the United States’ Government granted only three Promise Neighborhood federal grants. Evansville was one of these recipients and the only one to receive the highest amount of $30 million. A team of dedicated and focused individuals from the University of Evansville and Evansville community embarked on a lofty set of goals to elevate our community which involved over a year of preparation and a rigorous and lengthy proposal process.
Inspired by the Harlem Children’s Zone which focuses on breaking the cycle of intergenerational poverty by creating life-altering opportunities throughout the neighborhood, children and families can thrive through the work of the Evansville Promise Neighborhood Core Team. Promise Neighborhoods concentrate on creating access to quality schools and strong systems of family and community support. This “cradle to career” approach is focused on helping children improve academically and developmentally while achieving results for the entire neighborhood.
The Evansville Promise Neighborhood pipeline involves 23 agency partners and numerous community leaders. A group of key area changemakers is responsible for obtaining the grant and enacting the life changing critical work. These leaders are Amy Bolek ’92, Sylvia DeVault ’85, Tad Dickel ’02 , Jeremy Evans M’08, Erin Lewis ’01 , Kim McWilliams ’95, Doug Berry, Dan Diehl, Silas Matchem, Derek McKillop, Tyler Stock and Kelsey Wright. In the end, over $30 million was won for Evansville. The effort and determination of this group is immense, and this is just the beginning. A sustainability council has already been established with community advisors. This has also allowed UE to be even more community facing, as we share our mission with not only the campus, but the entire city of Evansville.
2024 Distinguished Alumna Award Winner
Linda E. White ’76, M’83
A native Hoosier, Linda White has dedicated her life to supporting those around her through her compassion and skill. A trailblazer in many ways, after completing her Bachelor of Science in mathematics from Indiana State University in 1970, she later attended Deaconess School of Nursing. Through this program, she found her calling in the field of medicine. With a degree in mathematics and a certificate of nursing from Deaconess, she set out once again to advance her education at the University of Evansville where she earned her Bachelor of Science in Nursing in 1976 and her Master of Business Administration in 1983.
Linda has held several roles during her tenure at Deaconess Hospital including director of medical and surgical nursing, vice president of nursing, vice president of patient care, chief operating officer, president of Deaconess Hospital, and CEO of Deaconess Health System before retiring. Linda’s tenacity in her work has never been more visible than in her current appointment as the director of the Deaconess Foundation. The city of Evansville is blessed to have Linda’s leadership and guidance through difficult times, highlighted in the recent naming of the Linda E. White Hospice House on Deaconess’ Midtown campus. Linda’s heart for others shines in her involvement on several committees and boards, including campaign co-chair of Ronald McDonald House, Indiana Chamber of Commerce, Old National Bancorp, Leadership Evansville, Operation City Beautiful, Ark Crisis Nursery, Junior League, Boys and Girls Club of Evansville, YWCA, YMCA, United Way, Evansville Chamber of Commerce, American Heart Association- Greater Midwest Affiliate, the EVSC Foundation, and several other community organizations.
Linda holds an honorary degree from the University of Southern Indiana and Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, where she serves as a member on their Board of Trustees. Linda’s legacy reaches wide, from the patients she has cared for to organizations she advises, she instills a sense of excellence, empathy, and empowerment to all those she works with.
2024 Samuel Orr Honorary Alumni Award Winner
Mark and Jennifer Browning
With deep family ties to the University of Evansville, Mark and Jennifer Browning have always had a special connection to the University of Evansville. Jennifer grew up just a few blocks down from campus and recalls spending time on campus working on homework, spending time with friends, and watching reruns of Aces basketball. Mark’s grandparents lived just a few doors down from campus, where they rented rooms to current UE students. In a sense, UE has always felt like home to Mark and Jennifer. Upon graduating from Memorial High school, Jennifer pursued her education at Indiana State University and Mark continued his studies at Loyola University and later Indiana University School of Medicine before completing his residency and fellowship at the Naval Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland.
Once childhood friends and classmates, Mark and Jennifer were married and raised their two sons, Ryan and John. Mark practiced as an oncologist and taught at IU School of Medicine. Jennifer and Mark both became heavily involved in multiple organizations through their philanthropy and gifts of service throughout the area. Most notably, their work with the Evansville Wartime Museum, University of Southern Indiana, University of Evansville, American Cancer Society, Habitat for Evansville, Browning Family Genealogy and Local History Foundation and the Browning Family Foundation.
Throughout their lives, they have always been connected to the University of Evansville, from walks through campus as young children, to Mark auditing classes in the summer, to eventually sending their late son, John to UE, Mark and Jennifer have had the Aces spirit in their hearts their entire lives.
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